Dr Lee Chien-Chang
Deputy Director of Intelligent Healthcare and Professor of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan

Dr Lee 임상 사례: hs-TnT 만성 상승 non-AMI-AMI 케이스들

임상 사례의 상세정보를 확인하고 아래에서 가장 가능성이 높은 진단결과를 선택하십시오. 결과와 Dr Lee의 의견을 자세히 확인하시려면 “Click to review the answer” 버튼을 클릭하십시오.

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Case Study: 70-year old womanCase Study: 13-year male adolescentCase Study: 82-year woman
Case   70-year old woman
Key signs and symptoms   Progressive orthopnea and exertional dyspnea for 4 days, associated with chest tightness and palpitation.
Medical history/
Clinical examination
  Medical history: Congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, and third degree atrioventricular block, status post permanent pacemaker implantation.
Clinical examination: BP 106/69mmHg, HR 106 BPM, RR 26BPM, temperature 36.7C, oxygen saturation 97%, Glasgow coma scale 15.
Laboratory test
Test   Value   Reference range
WBC (x103/μL)   6.05   3.54 – 9.06
Hemoglobin (g/dL)   12.1   10.8 – 14.9
NT-proBNP (pg/mL)   3319   Rule out of acute heart failure
(AHF): <300 pg/mL
Rule in AHF:
< 50 years: >450 pg/mL
50 – 75 years: >900 pg/mL
>75 years: >1800 pg/mL
Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response; nonspecific ST and T wave abnormality
Troponin kinetic profile   image
Chest X-ray
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What is the diagnosis of this case?

1. Acute decompensated heart failure
2. Chronic heart failure
3. Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular
The reason to rule out MI:
Although the hs-cTnT level was higher than the 99th percentile cutoff (14 ng/L), serial measurement did not disclose an significant kinetic change higher than 20%, acute myocardial infarction can be excluded
Author’s opinion
Acute heart failure is a common cause for troponin elevation. Serial measurement with an significant kinetic change would help rule in or rule out MI.
In addition, measurement of troponin is recommended as an initial laboratory test in patients presenting with suspected acute heart failure to investigate the trigger of acute heart failure. Potential trigger include: ACS (acute coronary syndrome), hypertension, atrial fibrillation, mechanical reasons such as aortic valve stenosis, pneumonia or pulmonary embolism. Highly elevated cTnT-hs or relevant rising values increase the probability for myocardial ischemia/NSTEMI as the relevant trigger.
Case   13-year male adolescent
Key signs and
  Chest pain located at the central chest. The pain was diffuse and persistent for 2-3 hours without radiation.
Medical history/
Clinical examination
  Medical history: Past history of chest pain and asthma.
Clinical examination: BP 129/87mmHg, HR 81 BPM, RR 20 BPM, temperature 36C, oxygen saturation 97%, Glasgow coma scale 15.
Laboratory test
Test   Value   Reference range
WBC (x103 /μL)   12.65   3.54 – 9.06
Segmented neutrophil (%)   83.2   50 – 70
Hemoglobin (g/dL)   14.1   10.8 – 14.9
CRP (mg/dL)   11.27   <1
Creatinine clearance (ml/min)   143   90 – 139
ECG at

Concave ST elevation
at lead II, III, aVF

Evolutionary changes with normalisation of ST elevation and diffuse T-wave inversion
Troponin kinetic profile   image
Chest X-ray
Normal LV size and function; no pericardial effusion
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What is the diagnosis of this case?


Suspected acute perimyocarditis
First ECG showed concave ST elevation at lead II, III, aVF. Subsequent ECG showed evolutionary
changes with normalisation of ST elevation and diffuse T-wave inversion.
Troponins does not follow the kinetics of peak and fall commonly seen in patients with MI.
Symptoms quickly subside after NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) treatment.
Author’s opinion
Pericarditis and myocarditis are characterized by ECG changes and elevated cardiac enzymes,
respectively, and patients with perimyocarditis often complain of chest discomfort.
These findings are nonspecific and often lead to diagnostic difficulties, as ST-elevation myocardial
infarction commonly presents in a similar fashion.
Perimyocarditis usually manifest with concave ST elevations, which did not conform to a particular
coronary artery territory.
In this case, the ECG change was limited to inferior lead. However, due to the benign course with no
known risk factors, acute perimyocarditis is most likely the diagnosis.
Case   82-year woman
Key signs and
  Fever and fank pain.
Medical history/
Clinical examination
  Medical history: Stroke, hypertension and parkinsonism.
Clinical examination: BP 172/89mmHg, HR 88BPM, RR 20BPM, temperature 38.6C, oxygen saturation 93%, Glasgow coma scale 15.
Laboratory test
Test   Value   Reference range
WBC (x103/μL)   16.34   3.54 – 9.06
Segmented neutrophil (%)   89.2   50 – 70
Hemoglobin (g/dL)   14.2   10.8 – 14.9
CRP (mg/dL)   3.20   <1
Creatinine clearance (ml/min)   101.7   90 – 139
NT-proBNP (pg/mL)   240   Rule out of acute heart failure
(AHF): <300 pg/mL
Rule in AHF:
< 50 years: >450 pg/mL
50 – 75 years: >900 pg/mL
>75 years: >1800 pg/mL
ST depressed in lateral leads
Troponin kinetic profile   image
Chest X-ray
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What is the diagnosis of this case?

Urinary tract infection
The mild rise and fall of cardiac troponin with lateral lead ST-depression does not favor a occlusive coronary pathology.
Author’s opinion
This is a case with troponin elevation with relevant changes but without clear clinical context of ischemia. Troponin elevation is compatible with severe infection or sepsis.

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